The short answer is ‘no’.
But this is one of the most common questions I get asked. More and more people are travelling solo and with the HOFNAR experience almost 90% of our guests come along (at least for the first time) as individuals. Many then return with friends made on the trip and so we have a growing network of people that know each other through our holidays. It’s really amazing.
We have, of course, seen friendships develop even further and I think we are now at 11 marriages and 15 babies!
Travelling solo is the best way to travel – whether it’s because you have some unexpected time off, whether your partner doesn’t like where you are going (or what you are doing) , whether you are tired of waiting for your friends to commit or indeed whether you are single and want to see the world… there’s a whole host of reasons.
The hardest part is the idea of travelling solo and I understand it feels a bit weird answering your friends’ question, ‘who are you going with?’ But, once you’ve done it once it opens a whole new world. You don’t need to go on ‘singles holidays’ – they always sound a bit creepy to me anyhow. Go on group trips, adventures, active holidays… get out there and do stuff
Our trips work great because there is always an activity that’s the focus; skiing, boarding, biking, surfing etc. As a result we bring together like-minded people who are just up for a brilliant holiday. Simple really!